BlueBioChain focuses on novel integrated approaches, methodologies, and process technologies for more efficient and sustainable water management. To this end, the project develops and applies a holistic biorefinery platform bridging the gap along the blue bioeconomy value chain, from biomass to products and markets and consumers thus, addressing three major global challenges of the future sustainable waste management, water scarcity and lack of food for the growing global population.
The BlueBioChain project aims to provide an intelligent wastewater valorisation system exploiting the potential of microalgae, which in turn is used to produce high market value products, such as
- skin creams (cosmeceuticals),
- food colouring agents for novel, convenient meat, and dairy analogues and
- aquafeed for fish/arthropods (zero-waste aquaculture farms)
The project brings together the necessary multidisciplinary knowledge, expertise, skills, and resources to constitute a complete value chain of actors for developing circular bioeconomy concepts, offering unique opportunities for industrial symbiosis together with various environmental, social, economic and policy benefits.