Biomass RCM project will help prepare an inventory and analysis of the available flows of biomass and organic waste in the region of Central Macedonia. The findings will enable the creation of a knowledge base to categorize information per type of biomass, profile, regional unit potential and added value. This information will be used to develop an information system to visualize estimated quantities of biomass (maps, charts) and potential recipients of biomass like energy producers. These visualizations include interactive maps to provide graded information regarding the categorization of biomass types, profile, regional unit potential, added value and potential for energy production and alternative green products.
This system will also monitor supply and demand for biomass and organic waste and will act as an e-marketplace increasing the potential for secondary markets in the region of Central Macedonia.
Moreover, to promote the principles of circular economy and maximize the exploitation of biomass in Greece a decision-making tool will be designed to determine potential alternative methods of exploitation for available biomass and organic waste stocks. Under the project, a methodology will be developed to
- optimize the biogas production from biomass,
- use the residual biomass as soil improver,
- evaluate the use of digestate in soil improver preparations.
Finally, the project will do an inventory and depiction of the potential for biogas production in the region of Central Macedonia. This entails biogas production plants, estimation of energy background, available end users.