Tree cultivation is a perennial crop, therefore the changes that will be decided to be made to the orchard after its installation are very difficult and above all economically unprofitable. For this reason, the farmer should be very careful during the orchard installation process. Errors and omissions may continue to exist throughout the years of the productive life of the trees, with the consequence, on the one hand of the reduced quality and quantity of production, and on the other hand, the increase of production costs due to the additional costs. Today the establishment of a new tree is done by measurements in the field mainly by the grower himself in an empirical way. However, this carries the risk of reduced accuracy or incorrect arrangement of the trees. It is known that in order to determine the planting arrangement, characteristics related to the crop, soil fertility and topographical parameters should be taken into account. The proposed action aims to implement a system of precise planning of a new orchard.
The system provides the optimal spatial planning of the orchard ensuring an excellent agronomic result, optimal placement of pollinators, accurate digital recording of the orchard for subsequent cultivation operations and optimization of land use. Thanks to automation and digitization, the chances of failures occurring during installation are minimal since different work execution scenarios can be controlled. The system is fed by information collected by an aerial surveillance instrument and fed into the optimal positioning software by taking agronomic, geomorphological, soil and climatic criteria.